Algunos bugs de MySQL no se cierran en años. Pero el bug #20786 «mysqldump always includes AUTO_INCREMENT» ha tenido mas suerte que los demás bugs. Este viernes ha cumplido siete años y ha tenido una verdadera fiesta de cumpleaños en un circulo de amigos con una magnifica tarta y helados.
La descripcion del bug:
[29 Jun 2006 22:31] Erik Kay
I’ve run into a change between 5.1.9 and 5.1.11 that’s causing me problems. mysqldump now includes AUTO_INCREMENT=xxx in the table definition, even when you specify –no-data. This appears to be the new default behavior of SHOW CREATE TABLE, which I assume mysqldump is using under the covers.
I understand why this is useful for the purposes of backing up data, and why it would even be useful in some –no-data cases, but the bummer for me is that I now don’t have a way to dump my schema cleanly for development purposes.
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